Sepiolite is similar to attapulgite but has an additional SiO4
tetrahedron at regular intervals on the chain, so that the united
cell is about 50% larger than that of attapulgite; usually
clay-like, nodular, and fibrous; also compact massive (meerschaum)
or leathery (mountain skin).
. Hardness: 2–2.5 on Mohs’ scale
. Density:~2
. Color: White with tints of gray-green or red; also light
A primary use of sepiolite
was as an animal waste absorbent (cat litter).
Sepiolites can be used as absorbents for potential applications in catalytic systems and wastewater treatment.
Production Methods
Aparticularly pure form of sepiolite mined in Europe and the
Middle East is known as “meerschaum” and has been used
historically for carving pipes and cigarette holders. Sepiolite
production in 1983 was less than half of the estimated 1.1
million of attapulgite in the world.
General Description
Sepiolite is a hydrated magnesium silicate that belongs to the class of sepiolite-palygorskite. Its properties include high absorption capacity and good rheological behavior.