Description | Pangamic Acid Sodium Salt is the sodium salt form of pangamic acid (pangamate). It was historically documented to be used for various clinical applications such as detoxification as well as the treatment of asthma, skin conditions, joint pain, and nerve pain. Although more recent claims include treatment of a wide variety of conditions including cancer, heart disease, and schizophrenia as well as providing improvement in oxygen utilization, there is no significant evidence for any of these claims or that it is safe for human use. Despite those concerns, it is now still be used for improving exercise endurance, treating asthma, high blood pressure, angina, hypertension, headache skin diseases, eczema, lung problem, nerve pain, joint problem, cancer and arthritis. It can also be used to treat alcoholism, hangovers, and fatigue; protect against urban air pollutants, extend cell life; improve the immune system; lower the blood-cholesterol levels and assist in hormone regulation.